Monday, April 30, 2007

Sweet Home Alabama

After a last minute change of plans I found myself in Birmingham for a long weekend and it was, needless to say, absolutely wonderful. This weekend I was blessed to see my family and be a part of their lives. From an awesome young adult church service called 'One' to sitting on hill with Buddy as Emily Rose rode Chick in their first horse show together; there was always something going on. Tyler was around briefly before he went jet setting (literally) to the beach with a friend and his family on Friday. Saturday night I watched Peary get all dressed up for the City Lights Ball and witnessed Gina's reaction as her first born baby left in his tux to go pick up his date. Later that night Gina and I attempted to wait up for his return, which didn't happen until 215am... we did pretty well if I do say so myself!

Sunday's service at Church of the Highlands was nothing short of amazing. It probably wasn't a coincidence that Pastor Chris was speaking on something I desperately needed to hear. My weekend concluded with a 'birds eye view' of the Chesapeake Bay, the bridge and downtown Annapolis (something I haven't seen before because I always fly at night) and a few minutes with my sister once I got home.

It was another one of those weekends that I didn't want to end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.